Friday, October 18, 2013

We Chose a Date

Yes, we finally made a decision on where and when!  Some of you may know where this old building is, but please don't say anything!  Suffice it to say that it's an old hotel, and when you step inside, it feels like you've been transported to the 1920's.  It's gorgeous, and I'm so excited that we not only get to get married there, but we also get to have our reception there!

Much as I would love to tell you all about this place, and plaster pictures of it all over this blog, for right now, that's all I'm going to give you.  Besides, this is really just going to be a short little post, telling you which date we chose.

Choosing a date was actually a lot more difficult than I had anticipated.  Summer was out right away, because I live in a very touristy town, so there really isn't much time for people to take off work, and such.  Winter is also hard in northern Minnesota, as there's this odd phenomenon every year called snow, and it is very unpredictable.  I don't know how many times Joe and I ended up staying at one of the motels directly in town due to a snowstorm.

So, we were down to Fall and Spring.  I had originally thought June 7th would be a good day, since it is the day after my parents' anniversary, but then when we finally found the venue, something in me just decided that we were going to go with the first available weekend in the fall, which was....drumroll please...

October 4, 2014!!!

I am so excited to start actually diving into the wedding planning, because now everything feels a little more real.  I have my wedding dress, we have a place to get married, we have a date!  I'm hoping to start posting more on this blog, now that we're really getting things going - maybe once a week (Fridays?), but don't quote me on this.  You know how life is - unpredictable.  Well, I hope you're having a wonderful day, and I'll talk to you very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congratulations on a date and venue! :D It looks great! I can't wait to see more posts :)
